My beautiful past. I was once a ballerina.
ballet. ouchh. painful painful very very painful.
esp that stupid developpee devant and grand battement devant and a la seconde!!
after ballet, went to centrepoint with
fionaate at delifrance (:
fiona ate this disgusting plain pasta while i ate beef lasagne (((((((((((((:
walked around centrepoint with
fiona (this girl is insane, seriously. there is a reason why i bold her name)
then went to heeren where we took NEOS!!!!!
fiona is fab at decorating neos. seriously, a lot of experience that girl (x
popped by at orange julius to get drinks, then went to cineileisure where we just walked one big round without doing anything much except drink our drinks and point at random ppl and laugh.
had lunch together with
fiona at macs. ate mcspicy while
fiona ate nuggets with me explaining her that nuggets are made of chicken inerts. freaked her out like shit.
more ballet(3 hours, in fact) 3, torturous, hellish hours. OMG we did that stupid russian character dance. i am hopeless at it. and i freaking forgot to bring my character shoes i.e. pissed off ms chiam (x and oh my freak
grand battement derierre as if ytd's grand battements weren't enough right.and pas de chat???!!!! like what the?? pas de chat, stretch and bend, pas de chat, stretch and bend, pas de chat, changement, stretch and bend... lalalalalalalalalarushed to jurong east for cip. goshhh super damn tiring can?
came home. died.
today (wednesday):
fiona! went all the way to jurong east for fuji ice palace and that place stupidly close for us?? but went to watch enchanted in the end. nice nice movie!!!! giselle is so pretty!! and princess-like!! prince charming has a brain that is the size of a pea.
tll without mich kwek. last lesson. wasn't sad at all. don't call me weird. coz i'm not. i like short sentences. hi there.
fiona is crazy. and so is ballet.and i'm living in a place where there is no happily ever after.where it just isn't fairwhere things are not magical.
Friday, November 16, 2007
My beautiful past. I was once a ballerina.

speaking of being famous
i realised that i maybe want the attention, but i don't exactly want to be famous
you see,
when you are famous, you really have no privacy. at least not much right?? everybody will know who you are marrying, some of your secrets that are better to be kept unknown, and probably your toilet paper brand
and you can't be sure that you won't have scandals too. a lot a lot of celebs/ famous people have scandals. and scandals are a major irritation of the butt.
but there is this saying in korean
directly translated:
when animals die, they leave their skin. when humans die, they leave their names.
kay, sounds wrong in english. but that is besides the point
and i do want to leave my name in this earth for forever. because that is the only thing that can probably stay in the earth even when i'm gone. physically
maybe when i die, the pain will wash away..
pictures! that i promised (:
the infamous fiona, and me (:

(x my legs are bent -,-;;
fiona thinks she is too pretty to be photographed. (x

i love this girl. a lot (:
and she loves me too (:
prince charming, gay prince, prince of bahamas (x VERY IN CHARACTER
something wrong with my eyes? i just can't stop tearing..
Sunday, November 11, 2007
My beautiful past. I was once a ballerina.
today's ballet was SUPER FUNN!!!!
fiona is super damn crazy lahh
i'll be back and continuing this post with pichaaas
till then
and don't get sick. *hint*
Friday, November 09, 2007
My beautiful past. I was once a ballerina.
i can't resist it, can't resist being jealous
oh kt stop staring. you stared at it enough already
melancholic and exasperated (look at my verbose vocabularayy)
just can't take it anymore
and if you actually get what i'm saying, you are a genius
i know i'm not a psl. and i know i probably should stop wanting to be one and being jealous of psls, but i just can't help it? why can't i stop being jealous of gold badges on the collar?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
My beautiful past. I was once a ballerina.
two-oh-oners y'all are the bestcoz we won NET CARN oh my freakanyway, i really love 20107 and it is really sad that we only bonded after exams ))))))))))):gonna miss you loads guys.. but the last day of school didn't even feel like the last day of schooli thought i was going to cry buckets, but everyone kind of went out after getting back their oh-so-high gpas.however, that is not the point.i <3>
speaking of 201, this brings me back my niner memories. we were like super glued together (: i had lots of fun times with niners too!!
ballet on saturday was a killer
and there are two new people in my class now and one of them is an ex-gymnast (what the..?)
so she is flex-er than i am. yiikes
thank god we didn't do developpes or else i would have died, really
ms chiam did like 40 min of floorwork (without stretching, phew)
and the dance is just incredible
fiona! crazy girl, always poke my hand, slap my hand. i wanna go out with you!!
came home, watched tv
twilight rocks!! lin, you better not yellow it bcoz if you do i will like murder you kayy
new moon is o-kay. edward left bella!! i was so sad i almost cried. and bella was like..??
and the lion fell in love with the lamb. what a sick, masochistic lion.
i keep trying to tell myself that i'm just not meant to be one, and that i will never become one. sometimes, "it's ok" doesn't work when things really are not okay.
wanting too much is not a sin, no, it isn't. isn't it?
this ain't a fair world.